Author: eugenia
Five People You Hate on Muni
Photo by Premshree Pillai
Thought Catalog organized the types of people you hate on Muni into five neat categories. Agree or disagree?
1. Screaming Child
2. Person Who Won’t Let You Exit
3. The Person Who Takes Up More Than One Seat With All Of Their Belongings. (Especially not on the handicap seat, like this violator, right?)
4. The Person Who Is Obnoxiously Sleeping. (Like this sleeping BART guy who is also violating #3?)
5. The Person Listening to Music.
Wait a minute, there’s nothing about terrible B.O. on transit?
See all the reasons why these five types made it on the list over at Thought Catalog. If you’re really into lists, check out 16 more types of annoying commuters.
H/T: @archijoey.
Did You Leave Your Breakfast on Muni This Morning?
Hey dude, I was kidding when I said, “Leggo my Eggo.” You didn’t have to rush off the bus all in a hurry like that.
Muni rider Zann G. found someone’s abandoned breakfast on the bus.
Other useful breakfast items found on the bus: Bagel as back rest!
Top Five Muni Moments This Week: Sleepy Metalheads, Chewbacca Costumes, and Hair
Photo by echoes71
You guys noted some Muni moments that made our week. I hope the guy found his Chewbacca costume (see below).
Top five Muni moments this week:
- Applied bright red matte lipstick on a lurching Muni bus with no mirror & it is FLAWLESS. I’ve never felt more successful.
- This hippy on the 38 would be a lot cuter if her HAIR hadn’t got my MOUTH.
- Guy next to me on the 5-Fulton is yelling into his phone, “Hi! Do you have any Chewbacca costumes? Great! I’m a big guy, 6’3″…”
- Lady on the bus told kid’s parents “Your daughter looks just like her dad.” Their reply was “He’s a boy.”
- Maybe if I turn up the volume on my iPod I won’t be able to smell her!
In other news, this week I was on the 2-Clement and was sure that the man across from me was taking a photo of me. But I just couldn’t imagine what I was doing that could be so interesting. It’s kind of like blogging-karma slapping me in the face.
This week’s top five Muni moments were brought to you by @tiny_librarian, @thunderlips187, @zarembamf, @sarachristine29, and @rgb_since1981. Got your own Muni moment? Drop it off at @munidiaries!
Major BART Delays After Collision in Tube
UPDATE 9:45 a.m. Reports from Twittersphere, from irate commuters like you:
@MrBShah worst case scenario. Nighmareish BART delays and my battery is about to die. Happy Friday! #shouldhavetakencaltrain
@keralajane Our @rideact driver said AC transit is trying to get more transbay buses out to accommodate commuters stranded by #BART FYI
@SJLandes I went home and drove down the peninsula to work… so much for saving the environment with public transportation today. :o/ (Ed note: one of us drove, too, DON’T TELL ANYONE.)
ABC7’s @amyhollyfield via @superxolo MacArthur Bart platform is PACKED:
Are you commuting via BART from the East Bay to San Francisco today? Then you must have seen the delays after the tube wreck early this morning. According to SFGate, “a maintenance truck collided with a rail-grinder working in the tube around 2 a.m. and damaged 380 feet of the electric line that powers BART trains.” No one was hurt.
BART had to run all trains on a single track while crews replaced the damaged sections of the third rail, causing major delays on all four transbay lines.
(Rest of the story on SFGate.)
How was your commute on BART this morning? Let us know via @bartdiaries!
A Brief Reenactment of Speed on Muni
Muni rider Beau thought everything was going well on the train, until he noticed that the driver hadn’t made a stop for a good couple of blocks. Then panic set in…
I boarded the second car of a Metro train this morning at Castro and settled into my favorite perch next to the door – the place where folks are least likely to bump into you after Church Street. Things were going smoothly. People smelled good, and were giving each other the requisite 12 inches of space that keeps things from getting awkward (perhaps the reason why I couldn’t smell any dubious odors).
Since Muni loves to play practical jokes during a weekday rush hour, I thought I’d just laugh along when the doors didn’t open at Van Ness. Hah! What a joker! Good ole Breda, always up for a few chuckles in the morning.
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