Eugenia Chien has been eavesdropping on the 47, 49, or 1 lines since the mid-90's. She lives by the adage, "Anything can happen on Muni" (and also, "That's not water.")

Impromptu Tour on the 33-Stanyan

33 stanyan muni
Photo by Julian Walker

Showing out-of-town visitors around the city on Muni can be a mixed bag: Will this be the day when projectile vomit forces evacuation, or when a stranger brandishes the banana in his pocket? Fortunately, it was neither for rider Clay S.:

This weekend was the last weekend of my summer internship here in the city, and a few of my friends from college were in town. They were staying at my friend’s place a little north of the Haight, right on the Panhandle. I wanted to show them around town a little, and Dolores Park seemed like a good place for us to go, so I met up with them over there, and we walked over to the Haight to catch the 33.
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BART Will Run Monday, Judge Blocks Strike for 60 Days

san francisco bart line
Photo by dlebech

BART won’t be striking on Monday, or for the next two months, so we can all breathe a sigh of relief. Today a San Francisco Superior Court judge ordered a 60-day cooling-off period requested by Gov. Jerry Brown.

More from SFGate:

The order, which will stay in effect until midnight, Oct. 10, blocks any repeat of the 4 1/2-day walkout in early July that snarled traffic and disrupted the commute of hundreds of thousands of workers across the Bay Area.

The cooling off period expires on October 10.

Four Weird Things People Did on Muni This Week

Photo by alejoandez

Between you and me: I can’t wait to get old and just let it all hang out, act as weird as I want to be. You know, floss at the dinner table, tell the kids to get off my lawn, that kind of thing. But some people aren’t waiting to get old to be weird. Here are four of them, spotted on Muni this week.

1. Guy on the N is waving his hands at me like he’s putting a spell on me. I shouldn’t be worried, right? Right? – @e_gadd

2. Dude on #38 alternating between singing 80s hits and quoting the Bible ALOUD. Like a battle of God vs. Cindy Lauper – @loveoz13
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