Eugenia Chien has been eavesdropping on the 47, 49, or 1 lines since the mid-90's. She lives by the adage, "Anything can happen on Muni" (and also, "That's not water.")

Top Five Muni Moments This Week

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Photo by Generik11

This week’s top Muni moments feature a Christmas tie. It’s not too soon, is it?

  1. Do you think the 38 drivers feel inferior to the 38L drivers when they get passed by them on O’farrell?
  2. The look on people’s faces when they realize they got on an express bus by mistake.
  3. There is a man on the 49 wearing a necktie with a bold Christmas tree motif. ‘Tis the season!
  4. A man on Muni playing music from his phone just dropped it and it fell apart. Music man 0 – everyone else 1.
  5. I was pretty convinced the toddler behind me shat on the N-Judah. Then I saw the woman eating tuna.

This week’s top five Muni moments were brought to you by @krystaelaine, @harpersfinest, @kitzerkoo, @lamelsauceda, and @annedcamp. Got your own Muni moment? Tweet it to us at @munidiaries!

5 of This Week’s 99 Muni Problems

muni dinosaur
Photo by kjaere

A grown man dresed as a dinosaur? Not one of this week’s 99 Muni problems. Meanwhile, more of what happened on Muni this week:

  1. “I put a piece of paper down and shouted to alert you not to sit on the seat with blood on it. My duty is done.”
  2. “That awkward moment when the jerk blasting his music in the bus gets a Spotify ad.”
  3. “The spaceship can’t melt the cheese.” #BumWisdom #SFMuni
  4. “to tell or not to tell the woman in front of me her pants are on backward.”
  5. “i wish i had half the faith as the woman with the barefoot child on muni.”

The good folks @spiegelmama, @larrrk, @emenagan, @loveoz13, and @lahlahlindsey shared the gems above. Got some Muni wisdom of your own? Hit us up @munidiaries.

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