San Francisco hill is not Muni’s friend
Photo by @pulverman
Oops. @pulverman snapped this photo and said,
Bad day defined.
Hope your Monday goes better than this!
Your place to share stories on and off the bus.
Photo by @pulverman
Oops. @pulverman snapped this photo and said,
Bad day defined.
Hope your Monday goes better than this!
Photo by Generik11
This week’s top Muni moments feature a Christmas tie. It’s not too soon, is it?
This week’s top five Muni moments were brought to you by @krystaelaine, @harpersfinest, @kitzerkoo, @lamelsauceda, and @annedcamp. Got your own Muni moment? Tweet it to us at @munidiaries!
A skateboard is definitely more Muni-compatible than a bike (no need to worry about pesky bike racks or people stealing your ride right under your nose). What’s better than that?
Behold: the Muni transfer skateboard, showcased in this photo via Angela Au. Jordan at Embarklife printed these skateboards with custom vintage Muni transfers on the back. Read more
Pretty cool tiny mini drawing found between the windows on Muni, via fait_le_feu.
Photo by kjaere
A grown man dresed as a dinosaur? Not one of this week’s 99 Muni problems. Meanwhile, more of what happened on Muni this week:
The good folks @spiegelmama, @larrrk, @emenagan, @loveoz13, and @lahlahlindsey shared the gems above. Got some Muni wisdom of your own? Hit us up @munidiaries.