Bonding over Grand Master Flash on Muni

There is no age limit or generational requirement to appreciate Grand Master Flash, especially on Muni. From rider Ramona Soto via the Muni Diaries Facebook Page (which, of course, you are following, right?).
On the 14 Mission bus, a middle-aged man was blasting Grandmaster Flash’s “The Message.” Nobody was paying much attention to him. But just before getting off the bus, an older woman with a walker looked back and shouted, “Who’s playing that music?”
He shouted back, “Me!”
We all wondered what would come next, as she obviously had few inhibitions herself. Would she start screaming at him? Would he get violent?
Instead, she replied, as she hobbled toward the door, “Good! I LIKE that music.”
Then, still muttering as she exited the bus at 7th Street… “Yeah, I’M close to the edge. That’s RIGHT. You’d better believe it!”
Music does often unite riders, like we saw in this podcast episode where Aretha Franklin concert attendees banded together on BART. What did you see on your commute today? Submit your own tale on the bus by emailing us at, or tag us on Twitter, Instagram, or Facebook @munidiaries.
Photo credit: @DJFlash4Eva