Meeting an unexpected fashion muse at the Muni stop
Muni rider Meli met a fashionable lady at the Muni stop the other day. From Meli: “I met an adorable senior by the bus stop last week, she had same hue of pink on her eyeglasses jacket lipstick.” Meli was so inspired that she sketched a portrait of her, seen above.
It’s nice to be reminded that beauty doesn’t only come from cookie-cutter, fashion model forms. I dream of dyeing my hair purple (or maybe pink) when I go gray and finally living my punk rock dreams.
By the way, for more unexpected style icons, drop in at the Chinatown Pretty‘s exhibit at 41 Ross gallery in Chinatown. The photography exhibit celebrates the street style of seniors living (and grocery shopping) in Chinatown. From the show’s organizers:
Clothes can tell a story – and in the case of Chinatown, it’s a story about a generation of men and women who immigrated from China to Chinatown, and their fashion philosophy (staying warm) and economic ideals (making their own clothes or preserving the ones they already have). Interviews, conducted with the help of Cantonese-speaking translators, will be displayed next to the photos.
Thanks Meli for our very own version of Advanced Style.
Remember to tag us @munidiaries or email us at to submit your own slice of life on Muni, fashionable or otherwise!