New Dating App Keeps Track of Hotties On Your Commute
It’s hard to strike up a conversation when you notice someone attractive on Muni, so what’s a single guy or gal to do? A new dating app called Happn is launching in San Francisco, and it promises to help you find the cuties you’ve crossed paths with as you go about your day. The app uses geolocation on your phone to connect Happn users who were in the same vicinities. It’s a pretty smart way to extend the way you meet people in San Francisco. You can check out the app and download Happn here.
Unlike other dating apps that use geolocation to find people near you now, Happn’s stream consists of people you’ve encountered throughout the day. So if you locked eyes with your potential soul mate on the 38 this morning, or if you were too shy to smile at the cute cyclist at the stop light on your lunch break, they may very well turn up in your Happn feed. The app uses approximate location and doesn’t tell you exactly where you’ve encountered each other, and you can only talk to each other if you are both interested. We already see plenty of local users on the app when we downloaded the app too.
Muni encounters can lead to some happy love stories. Who knows, you might be the next one-woman-band on stage regaling us with your tale of How We Met on Muni.
Download Happn here and let us know what you think!
Featured photo by torbahopper. This post is in partnership with Happn. All opinions are our own.
This isn’t creepier than saying, “Hi, good morning” or whatever? It’s most definitely creepier, and contributes to the retardation of our ability to socialize with one another.
I can’t wait for that awkward moment where it says “It’s a match”, but she blocks you. Then you keep staring at her for the entire bus ride.

This isn’t creepy
We live in a world where communicating with other humans beings in your immediate vicinity makes you seem creepy? Oh, boy is our species ever doomed.
Haha Erez!
Ha i commute with my buddy Mikey/ rommate / love
Wow for real?
Stalker statuses …
Adell Cornejo
Harbir because i know you commute…. Haha
Not stalking at all clearly! Karl Daniel
This is stupid
*”New Dating App Helps You Stalk Fellow Commuters.”
Or you could say hello…
This is so dumb and is for the socially retarded. On top of that it only cares about “hotties”; if you’re not good enough to get a “hottie” on your own what makes you think you can from an app? Don’t be so shallow and caring about looks so much.
HOW ABOUT YOU JUST START TALKING TO A PERSON …and people if someone is trying to start a conversation with you, ENGAGE! not everyone is a creep!
Lily Sloan Pace 71 f0 Lyf3 and the dumb N
More apps for those who refuse to learn social skills
Erin Lebe
Karen Loccisano Morgen Ruby
BUT THE EYE CONTACT Megan Gaunt Karen Loccisano
Megan Morgen oooooh boy
Emily WTF
Abby Rae McBeth finally a way to marry my bus crush
That’s an old picture. I miss that mural so much.
Ahahahaha!!! B/c ppl are more likely to notice someone on their smartphone than in real life!
Oh this is so sad, too shy to say hi?! Come on, grow a pair!! You can smile!
“Hi. I can see you in the back of the bus. I like your dress. Wanna hop off at Fillmore and grab some drinks?” — not creepy at all!
Who takes muni when there is lyft line
if you want to keep track of cute commuters just put your damn phone down and look up
Adeeti Goswami
You’re on this for the stories you say?
Colby someone finally did it.
Yanika Schneider
Matt Kreizenbeck does this sound like anything I may have told you about ?
I think our generation is dealing with the possibility of rejection in intriguing ways. It is human nature to capitalize on what we can. I think capitalizing on humanity’s natural *fear of rejection* only pushes us farther away from evolving past said fear of rejection. I mean ya, it’s a good iDEA; it’s always easier to talk to someone you are attracted to if you “know” they think you’re attractive as well. I think that our generation should try using cues such as eye contact, body language etc. in addition to the good ole fashioned go-up-to-him/her-and-introduce-yourself. It would be a shame to see those communication skills dwindle in the wake of the demand for expensive gadgets. I think, in general, people within our age group (the so-called millennials) trick ourselves into seeking “easier” ways to do things without realizing that it may take more time, energy, and effort to depend on dating apps rather than more natural and organic forms of communication. (analogy: It may take more effort to cheat on a test than the effort and discipline it takes to study a little everyday.) This isn’t to say that rejection may not happen after an iPhone or app catalyzed meet-up. Just trying to throw a perspective on how dependent we are becoming on these devices that literally keep our heads down. Perhaps it bottles up fear inside of us. Carl Jung: “The foundation of al mental illness is the avoidance of legitimate suffering.” In this case, rejection. And when you compare the current trials of SF (pre big earthquake) to other problems of the world, legitimate suffering becomes a very relative term. Fun idea for sure, but it would be well for us to balance out our dating apps with more fearless approach to human communication in my young opinion. Does anyone else agree?
I H8 muni as of today. I was harassed by a tweeker. I shouted some obsenities back at him though and got off and took a cab home.
Kristy Eiffert this made me think of you
Sounds exactly like a creeper’s app. Let me download it now lol!
Emily McNab
Veronica Taormina I feel like Sheehan thought of this.
Michelle Fuschia
Be a human being, sack up and say hello, get off your phone! Spineless nerds have taken over the city…
bunch of creeps!!!
Therese- you didn’t need a stinkin’ app
No one looks up from their phones on Muni so I am not sure how this will work. (look up, assholes.)