The kindness of strangers on Muni
Photo by duluoz cats
Kindness has this thing it does where you’re walking around all pissed-off, jaded, or both. Then it whacks you over the head and confuses the hell out of you.
And some of these even involve awesome Muni drivers!
- “Would you like to sit here, young sir?” “No thank you, dear lady.” This is the most polite bus ever.
- I’ve lived by these wise words from a muni driver told me ,” Do whatever makes you happy”
- Unlike trains, I get a sense of community on buses. see the same people every day. Either that or the matrix is glitched.
- my bus is playing jazz music through the intercom speakers. This is the best commute ever! #awesomemunidrivers
This week’s Things on Muni is brought to you by your fellow Muni riders @abroshar, @sfdylon, @DaneYoshida, and @hollandcd. You, too, can be featured here by tagging your tweets with @munidiaries.