The Muni Life
Photo by Muni rider Jaush
You love it. You know you do. All the whacky stuff that happens on your commute. Life wouldn’t be the same without it.
Just a few examples:
- Guy boom-boxin’ “My Girl” on 38L, slightly disappointed that people weren’t singing along. #sfmuni
- Drunk brodude on #sfmuni is at that point where he is either going to start hugging people or throwing punches
- Grammar argument OH on #SFMuni bus: “I don’t give a fuck if shrimp is plural already. Shrimps, bitch.”
- On the #sfmuni #21Hayes seated in front of a woman with the speaking voice of an out-of-tune #kazoo
- Someone just told me their phone number was 867-5309 (niiinnnnneeeee) #funny #80sthrowback #munidiaries
This week’s shades of Muni is brought to you by fellow riders @danmasq, @deathandfood, @AkiraNiji, @QuismOreoCookie, and @HannahStahulak. Follow @munidiaries, because crazy shit on Muni is actually more reliable than Muni itself.