Creepy, gross things that happen on Muni
Photo by Heidi De Vries
Yeah, Muni rides cover the spectrum. But for whatever reason (record high temperatures?), creepy and gross really stood out this week. To whit:
- man on muni told me he likes the way my skin smells and he’s going to Safeway..okayyyy #muniproblems
- And this old man next to me has no body control… Keeps slamming me into the wall of the bus #ugh
- “My money is sweaty.” things overheard on @sfmta_muni on a hot day.
- If you don’t hear from me in the next hour I died on #sfmuni from heat, dehydration, lack of ventilation, and sticky thighs.
- Favorite #muni game? “Feces or Chocolate Donut!?” @munidiaries #TGIT
This week’s roundup brought to you by fellow Muni riders @rach_janks, @ccourtanna, @CarrieDetrick, @Jessiy0, and @Chooplah. Got Muni musings? Share them @munidiaries.