‘No. 22-Fillmore, your order is ready’


Jamison has a pretty gald dang cute Muni idea. And as you know, we love cute Muni ideas.

“If I owned a cafe here in San Francisco, I’d have a little more fun with the order numbers and add the name of the matching Muni line. Order 22-Fillmore?”

Get on it, cafe and restaurant owners of San Francisco.

Via JamisonWieser.com.


  • Dexter Wong

    I don’t know about that with all of the Muni line changes (pretty soon no 3-Jackson, no 4-Sutter, no 7-Haight, no 8-Market, etc.)

  • I would probably only use current lines, and skip the letter soup of L and X lines, but you might want to keep around classics lines, like the 7-Haight or the 26-Valencia, so long as the numbers don’t get reused.

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