Muni’s tender relationship with vulgarity

Photo by Transguyjay

We’ve all “seen some things” in our time, especially on Muni. But this one … I mean, really.

For the record, I also would’ve called her an asshole. Who kicks a dog? UGH


  • Anne Marie

    i wish someone would’ve shoved something in that asshole.

  • rachael

    A guy with a service dog routinely boards a bus I ride in the mornings and typically goes to about the same space on a bus and has his dog get under the seat there so it’s out of the aisle (a good thing if you ask me).

    Oh, the eyerolls that go on around him when he dares to come up into that space. I’ve heard lots of older folks get up from that seat to make room for him and mutter something about how he sure doesn’t look handicapped. Maybe he needs to limp or something so people can be assured that he’s REALLY REALLY handicapped, not just KINDA REALLY handicapped.

  • Montira

    Poor guy. He may truly have a medical condition or disability that warrants him having a service dog. It’s just not very obvious to everyone, yet. They won’t know unless he has a seizure or otherwise collapses while on the bus.

  • Lovehalfblack

    the woman kicked the dog while the guy was boarding the bus

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