Christopher Imagines Muni’s Ghost Trains

Photo by dannyman

Ever wonder what’s really behind all the things Muni does that frustrate you? Christopher knows the answer.

I got a seat on the Muni underground today and for I think the first time ever I had a clear view of the tunnel as we traveled along. It was pretty cool, although annoying when we stopped because another train was going through the tunnel. Then I thought that maybe all of MUNI’s troubles are due to ghost trains coming and going all night and all day, and then I thought about how that would make for a new TV show.

Read the rest of this daydream at Christopher’s Tumblr.

One comment

  • Dexter Wong

    Talk about “ghost trains” reminds me of A.J. Deutch’s 1950 story “A subway called Mobius” which was a science-fiction story about the Boston subway becoming so complex that trains traveling on the newest line (which connected all the other lines) would become invisible for periods of time being heard but not seen. A math professor attempts to help the police and the transit authority figure out what is going on.

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