Survey: What’s the first thing you tell newbies about Muni?

Photo by skew-t

The other day on Twitter, we threw up the following question:

When out-of-town friends ask about #Muni, what’s the FIRST thing you tell them?

We figured you guys would treat us to some USDA prime juicy-as-hell responses. You did not let us down.

Among them (add yours in comments, below):


  • Montira

    If you REALLY need to be somewhere on time, you might give yourself an extra 30, 45, or 60 minutes.

  • Dave

    You’re probably better off walking.

  • +1 for STEP DOWN! Didn’t someone make a shirt that says ‘JUST STEP DOWN!’ on it? Someone should.

  • My friend recently visited. He says, “Is it always this crowded? You always have to stand?” I said, “Eh, it’s the weekend, but yes. We do a lot of standing on the bus.” I get the feeling he doesn’t like MUNI very much.

  • Angie

    Buy the $3 Muni map as soon as possible before touristing around; you save tons of money by not riding the hop on hop off tour bus if you follow the route on Muni instead.

  • A mouth mask for the 9 – San Bruno, purell after every Muni adventure, and carry think skin to deal with any rude/racist drivers.

  • The vintage F-line streetcars and the cable cars are completely different!

  • French Twist via Facebook

    Keep your transfer and don’t forget Purrell.

  • LOL hhahahaah I know in the Buses and Muni in SF I had seen everything perform ! please do not asked me because all will be xxx ! if you have in mind, yes I had seen that!

  • north beach

    Hold on to your wallet, iThings…

  • If you are not lucky enough to grab a seat, HOLD ON!! And, be careful when crossing behind a bus… Those bars that it is connected to the wires with, come undone and have been known to bounce down and in one case i remember on haight st, crushed a guys skull in. Part of the reasons why the fees have gone from $1.25 to $2.00 in less than 20 years when it took like over 70 years for it to go from 10cent to 90 cents. We are still paying off lawsuit settlements from the 90’s and early 2000’s and probably will for a long time. Those were some big settlements for some of the maiming that went on back then. Havent heard of something like this in a while, but my ex roommate did get her foot broken due to the wheelchair lift crushing it. SO Be Careful! I also knew a guy who worked the newspaper kiosk next to my work in 99 that just wasnt there one day.. Turned out his jacket had those toggles on it and it got caught in the door and he got dragged for like a block and a half. Poor guy. so keep hands and feet a safe distance in and out of the bus!

  • Ronzlo

    Take your *&$%ing backpack off – I don’t care if you put it in front of you, on the ground between your feet, or balance it on your head.

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