Old Muni Tokens Wanted for SF Wedding
Photo by joe.moore
Back in late 2010, we posted about Muni tokens at Muni Time Capsule. Last month, Samantha commented asking if anyone knows where to get them. She has a friend who wants them for their wedding.
So help a sister out: Does anyone know where to get old Muni tokens in large quantities? If so, comment away!
Ebay. Also people get them when they come out of general hospital.
thanks, E! do you mean that General Hospital hands them out to people?
controllers office?
We have a few but my husband’s not likely to part with them — you can still use them as fare.
I just bought 370 of them for work (I work with college students and we’re taking them on a field trip). The bad news is that they will only sell them to nonprofits. The hush hush is that they just asked what institution I was with and did not require any id. That being said, send an email to revenue.sales@sfmta.com and good luck.
Hey, everyone. My BFF is getting married and wanted muni transfers from the day that she and her hubby met. Do you know if they also sell/give out old muni transfers or just the tokens?
Igot 398 of them if u stil want them
Let me know iam tryna sell em all2$ each
Consider posting in local community groups or forums. Someone might have a stash of old tokens they are willing to part with.
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