Hard Living in Tokyo?
Muni Diaries reader Jamie shared this funny photo taken during his trip to Tokyo. Too many late nights for this snoozing subway rider? Jamie has a more interesting theory: “pretty sure this lady was drunk at 6 a.m. on a Sunday.” We’re sure Jamie felt right at home, in that case.
I spent many a NYE asleep on the Yamanote line, going around and around and around….
My favorite is this one, no matter how weird MUN is, Japan’s will always win:
Wow. Speechless.
Anyone else notice how *clean* the floor was in the pic?
People sleep like this on trains all the time in Tokyo, it’s commonplace.
As dj said, this is really common in Tokyo at all hours of the day. In fact, I find myself falling asleep frequently on the longer trips. My favorite has to be this video:
6am? you mean other cities’ rail lines start running before 8am on Sundays?
Trains in Tokyo stop running around midnight on the weekends. If you want to stay out later than that (and not take a cab home) you have to party until the first train the next morning.
My guess would be that this lady was out partying late Saturday night and had to wait for the 6am train to get her drunk self home. Nothin’ wrong with that!
It is fascinating how Tokyo never seems to sleep with subway riders like this potentially embodying the citys lively spirit even in the early hours of a Sunday morning.
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