Strange (and Awesome?) Emirate Caltrain Takeover
Photo by Todd Lappin
Have you seen the Emirate airline ads wrap on Caltrain? Todd from Bernalwood sent us these photos of the vivid advertisement.
What do you think of the Emirate ads? Strange? Creepy? Awesome? All of the above?
Now I know that Emirates is a large airline based in the Persian Gulf area flying around the world, but, I imagine the average person is going to say, “What has this to do with the Bay Area?” How many people fly Emirates out of any of the local airports?
Especially considering Emirites openly discriminates against LGBT folks.
ya know, there are lots of people living in the Bay Area with family back in Southeast Asia, Middle East, etc. And I am going to guess that there are very few, if any, direct flights from SFO to, for example, Delhi, but you CAN fly Emirates from SFO to Dubai and then connect. That’s just one example. I’d also bet that Emirates puts the U.S. carriers to shame in terms of service, comfort. So, I’d say there are probably lots of people who are booking Emirates out of SFO.
50% of all advertising expenditures are wasted. the trick, they say, is … you know the rest.
probably not a big sell for the outdoor-media buyer for Emirates to wrap Caltrains, given the nerd quotient.
Well, considering that at least half the companies in the Peninsula and South Bay have offices or offshore employees in the countries where Emirates fly, it completely makes sense to me.
my goodness, Emirates goes everywhere — but as a coworker notes, not to the Midwest.
guh, can you blame them?
harsh, harsh.
Really? Saying that an airline calling itself “Emirates” can’t be blamed for not flying to … Kansas City and Indianapolis is “harsh”?
for some reason, it flies to Toronto, not Calgary, and avoids Chicago.
My thoughts, in a word: revenue.
I’m on it right now.
Oddly, the wrap also has the logo for “HYBRID SYNERGY DRIVE” and the slogan “the power to move forward” … but doesn’t mention Toyota at all.
Here’s a pic from the Internet – the logo is just above and to the left of the door
Maybe the “hybrid synergy drive” was left over from a previous wrap for Toyota.