Vintage Tokyo Subway Manners

"Space Invader", March, 1979

Isami-ashi: Wait behind the white line (May 1979)
You know the big-balls-having, seat-taking guy y’all have complained about? He should see this:

The Seat Monopolizer (July 1976)
There are loads more of these posters so meander over to Pink Tentacle to check them out.
The seat-hogger ones are AWESOME. I think the Chaplin/Hitler ones might be considered to be mildly over the top here in SF but the alien reading the paper is just great. MD should have a contest to see if someone can design ones more culturally connected to the here and now.
Still, fantastic.
Yes! I think you’ve just given me a brilliant idea…
Happy to help. Maybe some winners can go on Cafe Press T-shirts or something. Because I doubt MUNI will put the winners up on the 43. (Although I guess I can dare to dream).
Seriously, part of Muni’s efficiency problem is some Muni riders themselves. Able bodied people who are slow to board AND exit the bus, some who stand blocking the back exit when there are seats, and people who are just straight up afraid to move to the back.
AND those stupid taggers. Where’s the respect?
We need Muni Manners posters for sure!
We DO need these posters, stat!
i guess we can all feel good that we don’t have an umbrella problem over here, at least