That old Muni fare box is still for sale
Photo by Nick.Fisher
We first alerted you to the prospect of owning your very own Muni fare box last October. Today, its current owner has reposted it on Craigslist.
Just think: You could carry it with you and insist on paying only $0.60. Just be sure to carry plenty of dimes.
Wow, seeing that really brings back memories of taking the 1 California to school every morning. I used to clutch my nickel so tight. One time I lost it and instead of ‘fessing up and risking my sister’s wrath, I grabbed a bottle cap off the group and put that in the fare box instead. I’ll never know if the driver noticed or not, but I got away with it. Thankfully it did not lead me to a life of petty crime…
I like to think getting little crimes like this out of the way when you’re young actually leads to an upstanding adulthood. Well-played.
Maybe Muni Diaries should buy the fare box, then when you have events people can give donations to the fare box and you can donate the proceeds somewhere? Just a thought. You could also rent it out for parties! The possibilities are endless.
Does anyone have a Muni Grant electrolock farebox for sale — at a reasonable price???