Hella Hot Again at Muni Diaries Live
Photo by Flickr user Chipmonkey
More than 100 of you spent Friday night with us, doubling over laughing at BART driver Kelly Beardsley’s impersonation of a hapless German tourist and singing along to McPuzo and Trotsky’s 38 Geary song. For those of you who didn’t make it to the hot Make-Out Room that night (or couldn’t make it in due to capacity reasons – our apologies), let me give you a little taste of the ridiculously fun night.
Our favorite burlesque cheerleading squad, The Cock-Ts, kicked off our third spoken word party at the Make-Out Room with Muni cheers written especially for us. Their misguided counselor, Coach Chester, had a few faux-‘stache malfunctions, but that didn’t faze varsity cheerleaders EZ-Martini, Dizzy Disaster, and Lil Biscuit.
Photo by Flickr user Chipmonkey
Resident poet Silvi Alcivar from The Poetry Store was working double duty Friday night, telling a story about the best compliment she’s ever gotten, and writing poetry on the fly in her poetry station.
Photo by Flickr user Chipmonkey
(Poems on demand, in three minutes or less, typed up on a piece of beautiful paper of your choice by Silvi on her red typewriter)
Photo by JetKat Design
Filmmaker Vero Majano brought down the house with her story of payback on the bus. Be forwarned: karma’s got you checked if you’ve been misbehaving in the back of the bus.
Photo by Flickr user Chipmonkey
You’ve clamored for him to come back, and we did too: BART operator Kelly Beardsley told a story about a nervous German tourist trying to get to the airport and brought the room to a roar.
Photo by Flickr user Chipmonkey
As always, we save room for audience stories. And this time, we prepared bait: Rebecca Smith from Relaxmith donated a 90 minute massage gift certificate, and Chronicle Books donated a goodie bag packed with gorgeous San Francisco books. Five brave souls marched up on stage, and guess who walked home with the goodies?
Photo by Flickr user Chipmonkey
Yup, it was Jesse (all I can say about his story is that it involved loogies – as if you didn’t already guess from the picture), and Mel from the Cock-T’s. If you didn’t have a chance to tell your story on the show, you know where you can share it, no?
Photo by Flickr user Chipmonkey
In the second half of the show, the singing duo McPuzo and Trotsky brought us a song about the 38-Geary that I couldn’t stop hearing in my head all weekend long.
Photo by Flickr user Chipmonkey
To wrap up our show, comedian Will Franken took the stage. They say that he is “better than psychodelic drugs” and you better take their word for it.
Photo by Flickr user Chipmonkey
By the end of the night, the room was hotter than the 38-Limited on a weekday morning, but we were lubricated by the strong drinks from the Make-Out Room and energized by the amazing crowd.
Photo by JetKat Design
This is our third spoken word event and every time we are amazed at how something as simple as riding the bus can bring such a great community together. Online and offline, Muni Diaries exists only because you share your life on public transit with us, so if you’ve got a story, we’re all ears.
Want more Muni Diaries Live?
Read a recap of the first event.
Read a recap of the second event.
nice photos! It was so fun! Thanks again for all the work you put in!
Nice! Looks like it was good time! Great shots, Amber.
That was fun! Nice to see everyone!
Great to see you there too, Rachel! thank you for the story – lovely as always!
Thanks, Eugenia!
Kelly Beardsley is so awesome. I love his stories!
Seriously, one of the funniest people ever, right?