Some sort of FAIL going on underground
Photo by Flickr user satanslaundromat
Twitter is literally going bonkers right now with a reported Muni Metro FAIL taking place as we type. Here are some choice tweets:
- Whole Wheat Toast: – Muni fail in progress as seen from this snapshot
- Whole Wheat Toast: More screens from the Muni Meltdown
- Metroliner: Muni street supervisor is directing trains into the Metro at the Duboce Portal. #munifail
- Metroliner: 6 (!!!) N-Line Muni trains stacked at the Dunoce portal waiting to enter the Metro. Inbound delays cascade at rush hour. #munifail
- JensHansen: Muni at a dead stop at the Duboce end of tunnel. Again.
To reiterate a question from Whole Wheat Toast, “Has SFMTA released a TroubleAlert yet?” Doesn’t look like it. If you know something about WTF is going on, let us know. If you have pictures or anecdotes, same thing goes: