Help us win Best of the Bay 2009!

munidiaries_logo2Hold on, hold on! This ain’t no solicitation for money. We don’t have any either, and we’ve managed to run this site for next to nothing.

No, this is a simple notice that today at noon 5 p.m., voting in the SF Bay Guardian’s Best of the Bay 2009 poll will close. Today will be your (and all your friends’ and family’s) last chance to tell the Guardian (and the world) how awesome this site is by choosing us as Best local blog.

The incentive? Here’s our imagined scenario: We win (shameless? okay …) and Jerry Brown just happens to read the Best of the Bay awards issue. He wins the Democratic nomination for governor of California, he wins the governor’s seat, he solves all the problems of the state and becomes, yet again, nationally recognized. But he never forgets that Muni Diaries is the best blog in the Bay Area, and by God, he takes that knowledge with him … all the way to the White House in 2016! At the presidential inauguration on January 20, 2017, Muni Diaries is mentioned, as a shining example of an outstanding …

Or not. Maybe we just win. Or place. Either way, we’re humbled by your votes. All several thousand of them.

Have a great day, and check back later as we return to our normal programming.


Muni Diaries

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