Rabbit on a leash waits for Muni
From the depths of Reddit comes this delightful street snap: A rabbit on a leash, complete with adorably snug harness, waiting for Muni at Powell station. Redditor Amg137 reports that the rabbit was “was amazingly chill considering how loud that station can be.” Perhaps those bunny ears cover some of the noise from the train?
Observe: floppy bunny ears and…is that front-paw foldage?
Shh, don’t tell the Muni rabbit this Boston rabbit rode the T with a bit more freedom:
Photo via Boston Transit Police/Daily Mail UK
Hat tip to Amy Y. at Capp Street Crap and our sister in the Twitterverse, @BARTDiaries.
Related: More Animals on Muni!
Might have been testing the metro for possible easter sunday delivery use….