Burrito plays crucial role in perfect comeback to Muni pickup artist


Muni rider Rawiyah Tariq just witnessed the perfect response to creepers on Muni. Via the Muni Diaries Facebook page:

Him: I said hello
Him: Pretty girl! You just going to ignore me?
Her:You don’t want me to pay attention to you.
Him: See was that so hard? How you doing today?
Her: You mean to ask can I get your number today. You want to know if you can fuck me today. The answer to both of these is no. (Pulls a burrito out of her bag and shoves it in her mouth) this the only thing going in my mouth today. (Fishes out what I assume to be a piece of chicken and pinches it between two perfectly manicured talons) you can have some of this though. You want some of this?
Him and the guy next to him: (moves down a seat)
Her: Hey sis, there’s room for you here right next to me.
Me: Thank you sis. How are you doing today?
Her:You know…doing how we do.

My. Hero.

Photo by echoes71

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