Well-behaved cat in a stroller on Muni is living our dreams
Here’s the most well-mannered Muni passenger and its owner living the ultimate cat-lady dream of owning a cat stroller. Muni riders Mike and Katie sent in this photo of an amazingly calm cat riding Muni while its human looked on dotingly. I’ve seen this man before at my local Starbucks in the mornings, enjoying his coffee while the cat watches the parade of Basics ordering venti skinny soy lattes.
We have more adorable (mostly) non-human creatures seen on Muni! And here are some urban cats who are working hard at making the internet a better place: pirate cat, punk rock cat, musical cat, and leopard print car seat cat.
Danielle M. Wagner Ramirez
Interesting — this is clearly NOT heavy metal cat stroller guy, but a different cat stroller guy entirely. One has to wonder just how many cat stroller guys can be found in San Francisco.
First the Dogs , now the Cat’s. What is this a Third World Country? Where are the Chickens, I know probably on the Muni in Chinatown, The Pigs come next
Kristen Jennifer Silva
Jasmine Rae Kayla dgaf